Helping KidMin leaders find the
right tools for their ministry
Save the Date - Kids Camp 2025
Kids Camp 2024 Was Awesome
Overall Camp Results:
1. Salvations/rededications - 223
2. Holy Spirit Baptisms - 178
3. Call to Ministry - 114
4. Healings - 172
5. BGMC Offerings - $18,710
Make plans now to join us in 2025!

GA KidMin is the umbrella ministry for all things KidMin in Georgia, including BGMC, JBQ, Girls Ministries and Royal Rangers.
Each year we provide opportunities for kids and leaders to build their relationship with the Lord and each other. Opportunities for kids include Kids Camps, KidCon, PK/MK Retreat, Royal Ranger Pow Wow, and Girls Retreat.
Opportunities for KidMin leaders include KidMin Mobile, NextGen Missions Tour, KidMin Connect, and Church Teams Conference.