Our Values.

It’s no secret that the church and home have the best opportunity to secure faith in the next generation when they have shared goals regarding a child’s discipleship journey. What a powerful movement could be created if we all worked together with the same end in mind.

What if churches and homes across the nation would focus their attention on helping every child who is a follower of Christ attain eight simple goals before they transition out of children’s ministry?

Many churches are becoming more strategic by having leaders of all age groups develop transitional benchmarks and goals together. This is a healthy approach to creating lifelong followers of Christ. In other churches, leaders see the need for goals but don’t know where to begin. Regardless of where your church lands on the process of creating goals or outcomes, these goals may help shape perspectives for some and give a starting point for others.

Our Vision.

GA Kidmin exists to provide ministry, resources, training, and encouragement to the kids and KidMin leaders of Georgia. While ministry to boys and girls is one of our highest priorities, ministry and support to our KidMin leaders is equally important. We do this several ways:  

  • Please join us on social media and contact us so we can add you to our communications.

  • a. Coming to your church to observe and/or to help assess ministry needs

    b. Sharing about BGMC or other ministries with your kids and your church

    c. Preaching or conducting entire services

    d. Providing training for your ministry teams

    e. Sharing in special events (upon availability)

  • GAKidMin Summit

    NextGen Missions Tour

    Church Teams Conference

    KidMin Resource Platform

    KidMin Connect - a gathering of Kids Pastors and KidMin Leaders in various cities at local restaurants for a time of organic conversation about life and ministry

We are here for you.

Our heart is to serve you, your kids, and your church every way possible. Because we don’t always know the needs you have, please know that we are always available for you to communicate your needs and challenges. Though we are not experts, our district KidMin leaders have a wealth of experience to share with you. We want every KidMin leader and children’s ministry in Georgia to experience spiritual and ministry health, growth, and success. We are here for you!