2024 Epic Give Day
GOAL: $50,000
PROJECT: GA Missionaries (Middle East)
During the month of September, we’re challenging every boy, girl, KidMin leader, and anyone who’d like to participate to raise $100. Kids can do chores, yard sales, lemonade stands, sell art & paintings, and any creative avenue by which they can individually raise funds. Churches can do any “a-thon” (bike-a-thon, walk-a-thon, etc), 5K or other race event, meals before or after service, or any creative avenue by which they can collectively raise funds.
Once you have received your Epic Give Day offerings, please send to GA KidMin, NOT THE NATIONAL BGMC OFFICE. Card payment can be made at gadistag.org/giving (use fund: Children’s Ministry/sub fund “BGMC” and note BGMC Epic Give Day. Checks can be mailed to GA KidMin/ PO Box 28470/ Macon GA 31221. Make payable to GA District and memo BGMC Epic Give Day. If mailing a check please do so by Priority Mail and obtain a tracking number. We will then submit all Epic Give Day offerings to the national BGMC office. If you have any questions or need additional resources, please contact us directly as the KidMin office (478.405.5901).
Feel free to promote Epic Give Day using these AVAILABLE GRAPHICS
This year’s Epic Give Day project is for one of our very own GA Missionaries. The funds we raise will help them publish children’s curriculum for the purpose of discipleship, small groups, and large group ministry in the country in which they serve. This includes teaching materials, graphics/visuals, and training guides.
Many of the children there are taught falsely about who Jesus is and what He does. This curriculum will bring truth to these boys and girls so they can understand who Jesus truly is and experience Him in their lives.
The project itself will cost about $20,000. Anything we raise over this amount for Epic Give Day will be used to help finish other GA Missionary projects and BGMC Critical Needs fund.